INTRINSIC Teaching Design Tool
Sustainable entrepreneurship can be seen as activities, where people engage in entrepreneurial activities that can be structured along two levels – a basic one and a strong one.
To educate students towards contributing to the third horizon, where the SDGs can be situated as a global shared vision of a liveable future, means to equip them with a set of core competences needed, that involve competences for interpersonal interaction, for embracing diversity and interdisciplinary, for systems thinking, for strategic action, for normative judgement and for foresighted thinking (Ploum et al. 2018).
But it is commonly agreed that equipping students with these skills may also contribute to their successful and satisfying career path in a much broader sense!
INTRINSIC provides a searchable data-base of activities, that can be implemented in existing courses and lectures, with a focus to foster these mentioned competences.
- In its basic form sustainable entrepreneurship is entrepreneurial activity considering economic, psychological, social, and environmental consequences and by this is not undermining the ecological and social environments in which they operate.
- In its more expressed form sustainable entrepreneurship is aiming at solving problems related to sustainability and to create social, economic and environmental sustainability as a strategic objective and purpose by the discovery, creation, and exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities that contribute to sustainability by generating social and environmental gains for others in society.
To educate students towards contributing to the third horizon, where the SDGs can be situated as a global shared vision of a liveable future, means to equip them with a set of core competences needed, that involve competences for interpersonal interaction, for embracing diversity and interdisciplinary, for systems thinking, for strategic action, for normative judgement and for foresighted thinking (Ploum et al. 2018).
But it is commonly agreed that equipping students with these skills may also contribute to their successful and satisfying career path in a much broader sense!
INTRINSIC provides a searchable data-base of activities, that can be implemented in existing courses and lectures, with a focus to foster these mentioned competences.